Psalm 37
Noli æmulari
Fret not yourself because of the ungodly, *
neither be envious of those who are evildoers.
For they shall soon be dried up like the grass, *
and be withered even as the green herb.
Put your trust in the Lord, and do good; *
dwell in the land, and surely you shall be fed.
Delight yourself in the Lord, *
and he shall give you your heart’s desire.
Commit your way unto the Lord and put your trust in him, *
and he shall bring it to pass.
He shall make your righteousness as clear as the light *
and your just dealing as the noonday.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; *
do not grieve yourself over the one whose way prospers, over the one who carries out evil counsels.
Refrain from wrath, and let go of anger; *
fret not yourself, lest you be moved to do evil.
For evildoers shall be rooted out, *
but those who wait patiently for the Lord, they shall inherit the land.
Yet a little while, and the ungodly shall be clean gone; *
you shall look for their place, and they shall not be there.
But the meek-spirited shall possess the land *
and shall be refreshed with an abundance of peace.