Psalm 17

Exaudi, Domine
Hear the right, O Lord, consider my complaint  *
and hearken unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips.
Let my sentence come forth from thy presence *
and let thine eyes look upon the thing that is equal.
Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the night-season; thou hast tried me, and shalt find no wickedness in me  *
for I am utterly purposed that my mouth shall not offend.
Because of men’s works, that are done against the words of thy lips *
I have kept me from the ways of the destroyer.
O hold thou up my goings in thy paths *
that my footsteps slip not.
I have called upon thee, O God, for thou shalt hear me *
incline thine ear to me, and hearken unto my words.
Shew thy marvellous loving-kindness, thou that art the Saviour of them which put their trust in thee *
from such as resist thy right hand.
Keep me as the apple of an eye *
hide me under the shadow of thy wings.